
Houses, villas, chalets, gardens, boats
Light to living is the area of lighting design aimed at making people feel good inside their private spaces.

Living means dressing a suit, being in habit in a place. In homes, it’s therefore important to take into consideration who lives that space and its identity, to put it at the center of the project. Because houses, villas, boats, being private spaces, feel more than ever the need to be similar to us. Before developing a lighting project, it’s necessary to know the needs and habits of those who will live in that place and how it will be lived by each of its inhabitants. There is a specific lighting according to age, whether the inhabitant is a newborn, a child, a young person or an elderly person, and depending on whether we are sitting at a desk for a long time or are moving around playing or swimming in the pool, playing an instrument or reading a book in the cabin… Tailored light is the search for the ideal light designed to make us feel good, in tune with the rhythm of the Universe, in balance with ourselves.


Hotels, spa, cellars, restaurants, bars, theaters, libraries, gyms, cinemas, discos
A 6271
Light to welcome is the area of lighting design aimed at making you feel good inside the large hospitality spaces.

To welcome means properly to collect around us, to receive showing affection. So at the reception, where many places are shared, the light is asked to give as a gift the feeling of well-being, whether it’s at a restaurant table, at the theater, in a hotel room, in a library… This is why it’s important to create welcoming atmospheres and comfortable lighting. The right ingredients for the perfect recipe are quality, innovative technology and creativity. We will thus have the correct perception of a dish at the table, which will be pleasant to the eye and taste, we will feel rested upon awakening in our hotel room, we will enjoy the pleasantness of a theater show and of a conversation in a cafeteria, we will correctly read the pages of a book, and we will feel energetic during the gym workouts.


Stores, shopping centers, exhibitions, galleries, museums, stands, showrooms, events
Light to attract is the area of lighting design aimed at making you feel good inside the exhibition spaces.

Light becomes the fundamental element for the vision of the object and the creation of an emotional aesthetic experience. Light emphasizes, accentuates, defines, enhances colors and materials, guides visitors in the choice of a product, attracts and promotes, creates shadows, reflects metals, fabrics, stones, canvases. Light creates attention paths and generates feelings of well-being. Light creates the identity of a brand and, in places of excellence of the art, such as museums and galleries, a designed lighting allows the correct vision of the artwork but also takes into account the enhancement of the place identity and the safeguard of the artworks displayed.


Offices, auditorium, schools, factories, atelier, fairs

Light to work is the area of lighting design aimed at making you feel good inside working spaces.

This happens thanks to the creation of pleasant atmospheres and correctly lighted places, designed in balance with our biological rhythms. The careful selection of technologically advanced and highly performing devices, the search of quality starting from the choice of the latest generation of high chromatic yield LED light sources, allow us to create healthy and stimulating environments at work, in the office and at school, which will allow you to work with greater attention, concentration and productivity, avoiding absences and generating a feeling of general well-being.


Monuments and churches, urban furniture, airports and ports, stadiums

Light to live is the area of lighting design aimed at making people feel good in the open and common places of aggregation and wide sharing of a space.

Public lighting is an essential element for the safety of our streets and our urban places, decorates space and enhances architectural and landscape treasures. Intelligent lighting allows everyone to move with safety and pleasure in crowded spaces and in those more isolated, reveals and enhances the beauty and historicity of buildings and monuments, brings out the details and preserves the value of the places, creates aggregating and engaging atmospheres. Technology and creativity become tools to improve and respect the places of living even outdoors, preserving their natural characteristics in favour of environmental sustainability, which already begins with the choice of innovative devices. This choice will lead to a general and wider saving in terms of energy consumption and product management and disposal.


Consulting and creation of bright artworks in collaboration with artists

Light for art is the area of lighting design aimed at offering consulting and expertise to artists who realize their masterpieces working with the light.

Thus, the consulting for internationally renowned artists is born: massimo uberti, silvio wolf, andrea zucchi, luca pignatelli, marco nereo rotelli, alfredo pizzogreco, nino alfieri… different lighting techniques are experimented to meet the work, from the materials used to the message which has to be given and to the exhibits.
Author exhibitions but also lighting design of the ateliers, because the light starts from there, where the artworks are created.


Luxury Light Gallery: collaborations with designers for the production and certification of author lamps, bright sculptures, paintings of light

Light for design is the area of lighting design aimed at offering consulting and expertise to artists, designers and architects in the production and certification of lamps, prototypes and light sculptures.

The technology is strictly LED; the materials are the most noble, such as brass; the workmanship is that of the past, artisanal. This has led to the experimentation of forms and effects among the designers of light, allowing diversity; author’s drawings made by Florencia Costa, Milena and Stevan Tesic, Giuseppe and Lazzaro Raboni, Marco Zanuso Jr.